LEGO Let’s Play logo and application on jerseys and caps.

LEGO Let’s Play Marketing Kit and Graphic Standards used for various tour stops to promote through owned channels.

LEGO Let’s Play branding applied to the tour truck. Over 5 months, the LEGO brand garnered over 10,000 miles of exposure. Production and application by RMZ Installations.

LEGO Let’s Play branding applied to build tables.

LEGO Let’s Play and LEGO SPEED CHAMPIONS branding applied to Race Ramps and build tables.

Examples of LEGO Let’s Play web and mobile advertising, and in-stadium video-board graphics provided to various tour stops to aid in their marketing efforts.

A sampling of pages from the LEGO Let’s Play Staff Training Manual supplied to Tour Managers and Brand Ambassadors. This manual was provided to Brand Ambassadors as a PDF in advance of a tour stop to provide an overview about the company, its products, and the activation before the hands-on training the day of the event.

LEGO Let’s Play retail kiosk created to promote and sell specific product lines while providing access to full LEGO online store. Production included branding of the unit, digital graphics, and programming the interface. Palm cards were created with discount codes for attendees looking to make purchases at home or from their mobile devices.

Photo opportunities with Brand Ambassadors armed with iPads and attendees with access to LEGO Let’s Play branded Snapchat filters.

Sample pages from the LEGO Let’s Play Tour recap document used to report end-of-tour metrics to the client. Pages were designed to highlight the most important information with maximum impact. Some of these graphics were converted to a slide show used to walk the client through the document.